Robert F Kennedy Jr CHD Episode 6

Robert F Kennedy Jr CHD Episode 6In Episode 6 of our weekly “TRUTH” series, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Vaxxed2’s Polly Tommey took on the Mask Debate, Hydroxycloroquine, Media Censorship and Dr. Anthony Fauci’s conflicts of interest. (All episodes can be found on CHD’s website and social media, and on the CHD Channel found on Peeps TV, a network on Roku. Roku is accessible from any Smart TV and can be purchased separately for older TVs.)

EDUCATION: Helping Educate The Community

Use these handy resources to educate others. (The CHD website has many other downloadable resources, and any article from our site can be shared.)


Video: Too Many Sick Children

Shareable Memes: Did you know?

Campaign to Restore Child Health

Lessons from the Lockdown, Why are so many fewer children dying?

Are Children Really Recovering 99.9584% of the Time From COVID-19?

Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Studies (Shareable Slides)

Mandates Toolbox

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Episode 5
Episode 4
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1


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